SIR - Salvatore Italian Restaurant
SIR stands for Salvatore Italian Restaurant
Here you will find, what does SIR stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Salvatore Italian Restaurant? Salvatore Italian Restaurant can be abbreviated as SIR What does SIR stand for? SIR stands for Salvatore Italian Restaurant. What does Salvatore Italian Restaurant mean?The United States based company is located in Montebello, California engaged in restaurants industry.
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Alternative definitions of SIR
- Sampling Importance Resampling
- Susceptible Infected And Recovered
- Skill Integrity And Responsibility
- Shuttle Imaging Radar
- Self Insured Retention
- Statistical Inventory Reconciliation
- Surface Insulation Resistance
- Sons In Retirement
View 100 other definitions of SIR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SFL Swift Future LLC
- SCA Sunset Corporation of America
- SES Stadium Export Services
- SPM Superior Property Management
- SVCEC Silicon Valley Change Executive Coaching
- SSC Seaway Supply Co.
- SSP Spectrum Speech Pathology
- SCC Sell Car for Cash
- SVBG Silicon Valley Builders Group
- SSP Sussex Sport Photography
- SIS Sage Insurance Services
- SCO Space Center Orthodontics
- SCI Signature Channel Incorporated
- SDISD San Diego ISD
- SDCCI SD Clifton Construction Inc.
- SD Studio b Dental
- SA The Safe Alliance
- STP Sky Technology Partners
- SPM Savannah Precision Machining